Energy savings with computers - How much energy do I waste?
It has been awhile since I followed up on my power savings story. Although not so much as a followup, I am glad to see others starting to blog about these issues too. This entry “How much energy do I waste?” is a well written piece and has some good links in too.
In Memoriam - Anastasia DeSousa
A year ago today, a senseless shooting at Dawson College, in Montreal Quebec unfolded. A few students were injured. One student died. On September 19th last year I posted a short poem to the family and friends of Anastasia on another site I work on.
Setting up gzip compression on Apache 2.x
Kill A Watt part III
Best customer service ever. Bar none.
Kill a Watt - Part II
What does an Apple G5 cost the environment Part I
No no, this is not an article about how much land fill is being created by Apple. Nor is this about how much toxins are being dumped into our soil by Apple. This is Part I of a blog on the power consumption of my computer. Why am I doing this? Simple: I bought a new toy!