MySQLdump to reset Slave server from Master
Just a quick entry here. I keep forgetting how to reset a mysql slave server from the master, without disrupting the operations on the master server. Something silly that doesn't stick in my head, so I am putting here for future use:
If you have Server A with the master, and Server B with the slave, and you need to reset the slave if it gets lost, simply do this:
Login to the Server A and issue this command:
mysqldump --master-data --all-databases > newdbs.sql
Then scp or ftp the newdbs.sql file to Server B.
Login to Server B, stop http and turn off the slave (slave stop;), load in the new database SQL file you brought over and restart the mysql slave (slave start;) and http:
/etc/init.d/httpd stop mysql < newdbs.sql /etc/init.d/httpd start
To be sure everything is working as it should, you can go into mysql and 'show slave status;'