How to install Subversion on Ubuntu 18.04

This simple how to will walk through installing Subversion on Ubuntu 18.04.

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Quickly retrieve size of all tables in a MySQL database

A friend ran into an issue with their Wordpress database becoming huge. First step was to figure out which table(s) was causing the issue. Doing an online search came up with this handy little MySQL query which returns the size in MB for all the tables in a database.

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Store location of SSL certificates on Synology DSM 6 NAS

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Upgrade to PostgreSQL 9.6 on Ubuntu 14.04 or 16.04

A quick mini-guide to help you upgrade PostgreSQL 9.3 to PostgreSQL 9.6 on Ubuntu 14.04 or 16.04. As always, be sure you have a backup first!

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Patch Majordomo to work with DMARC

This patch fixes Majordomo by doing three things:

  1. Change the email From: header to be the email address of the list itself
  2. Add a new variable to Majordomo to allow enabling on a list-by-list basis
  3. Add the Reply-to: header with the email address of the author

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Mediawiki: Moderation plugin error when using InnoDB and utf8mb4_unicode_ci

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Installing Scantailor on macOS High Sierra

Today I discovered a pretty awesome looking piece of scanning software called scantailor. It apparently runs great on Windows and Linux, and the instructions say you can install it on macOS with Macport. For those of us that use Brew, the instructions were somewhat broken. Keep reading to see how I installed scantailor under macOS High Sierra

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Change last modified date of files based on date mentioned in file

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Error from curl : SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol

What might be wrong if you get Error from curl : SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol when using curl on a webpage.

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Error: ‘logrotate exited with return code 1’ on Ubuntu

Fixing an incorrect MySQL password for Ubuntu system user ‘debian-sys-maint’.

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