Installing Scantailor on macOS High Sierra

Today I discovered a pretty awesome looking piece of scanning software called scantailor. It apparently runs great on Windows and Linux, and the instructions say you can install it on macOS with Macport. For those of us that use Brew, the instructions were somewhat broken.

Here is how I installed Scantailor under High Sierra using Brew. First the pre-requisites:

brew tap cartr/qt4
brew tap-pin cartr/qt4
brew install qt@4
brew install cmake eigen jpeg libtiff boost

We now need to know what version of QT was installed and where. You can find this in /usr/local/Cellar/qt@4. Here is mine:

ls /usr/local/Cellar/qt@4

We will use 4.8.7_5 in the path below for cmake. Now install Scantailor:

cd ~/Applications
mkdir scantailor && cd scantailor
git clone
cd scantailor
cmake . -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/usr/local/Cellar/qt@4/4.8.7_5/
sudo make install

You should now have /usr/local/bin/scantailor and /usr/local/bin/scantailor-cli installed, assuming no errors. You may now launch scantailor from the command line simply by typing in 'scantailor' and hitting enter.

It is safe to remove the install files now:

cd ~/Applications/
rm -Rf scantailor

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