We’ve moved to Craft
Following the travels of this website have taken some interesting turns. A brief history starts with basic HTML and SHTML files. Pretty certain CSS wasn't used. Moving up in the world, we created a homemade CMS using PHP. AdoDB was used to handle the knitty gritty MySQL calls. Smarty templates were used everything separated. Next up was Wordress, ExpressionEngine and enter today: Craft.
Albeit fairly new to CraftCMS, my first experiences have been pretty awesome. The only thing better than Craft itself has been the support. Brandon, the Pixel & Tonic team, and the community, have been wonderful. Of all the the Craft features, the two that stand out the most... so far... are ease of installation and setup, and the speed. Oh, and auto updates.
At this point, there are only 2 plugins that I'm using with Craft. Trim and Whichbrowser. Whichbrowser is a homemade plugin making it easy to implement Whichbrowser/Parser on our System Details page. If you have suggestions on which other plugins might be interesting to use, please feel free to leave a comment in the footer.
Looking forward to Craft 3 and learning more about getting the most out of Craft.