Edit navigation menu in MediaWiki
First off, my apologies for not posting recently. Things have been crazy here, and to top if off I decided to build a shed in the back yard. It will give me a place to be banished too when I misbehave at home!
Many of my clients use Mediawiki. I have inherited many old version of MediaWiki installs and have learnt that upgrading MediaWiki today is relatively painless. Part of my experience is learning how to use MediaWiki. When I first started using MediaWiki, which is what Wikipedia uses, I looked at it as some sort of archaic application that would not survive much into the future. Now that I am learning how to actually use the wiki software, I have a new found respect for it.
Today I learnt how easy it is to fix the navigation sidebar. Apparently a few people have had problems so I felt it worth posting here. I found the answer here.
Simply enter 'Mediawiki:sidebar' in the search field and click 'Go'. You can now edit this as a normal page, changing, adding and removing links. Links can either point to other wiki pages or point to links outside the wiki.
Hope this helps someone out!